Thursday, 17 May 2012

R.E.V.I.S.I.O.N for F.I.N.A.L.S

How to answer exam questions-Morphology and Syntax

1.Explain the following.Support your explanation with relevant examples.
a)adverb   b)……    c)……
a).Adverb-An adverb is a descriptive word that adds to the meaning of a verb,an adjective,another adverb or a preposition.Adverbs usually tell us how,when,why,where,how,often,what degree,and emphasize a statement.Adverbs should come,if possible,next to the word or words they describe.
Eg.move silently-silently describes the verb move.
Note: Most of your answers are ‘one liners’.eg.An adverb describes a
2.In Section B,you will be asked to answer 2 questions.For each question you have to discuss on 4 points.Each point should be discussed in different paragraphs.Therefore your essay will have 4 paragraphs with relevant examples to support your discussion.

Final Exam –Morphology and Syntax(22/5/12)

Format of question paper
There are 2 sections:Section A (60m)and Section B(40m)
Areas to focus on:
1.Basic concepts and terminology
-should be able to explain and give examples of terminology,eg.morpheme,syntax,etc
2.Tree Diagrams
-should be able to identify grammatical categories/functions and draw tree diagrams for the sentences/phrases given.
3.Phrase structure and words
-explain the meaning of the ambiguous sentences given.
- types of morphemes,singular/plural morphemes,affixes,roots,stems
4.Importance of syntax,morphology,grammar,phonemes,morphemes,etc in the English language.
5.Different ways  a language increases its vocabulary. 

Thursday, 3 May 2012

Evaluation time...

Hey guys,

Evaluate your peers using the questions below as your guide.Select only ONE presentation on the first day and another the following week.This means  you have to evaluate a total of TWO.Post your evaluation as a group in the blog.
1.Did the presenters organize the classroom well to facilitate a smooth presentation?
2.Was the presentation clear,interesting,creative,innovative and meaningful?
3.Did the presenters rush through the activities?
4.Did you learn anything new from the presentation?
5.There’s always room for improvement.Discuss one aspect of the presentation that could have been better.    

***Please place your evaluation in the comment below . thank you